Dual Rails, Jazzmaster Humbucker Cancelling pickup Pickup,Alinco 5
Dual Rails, Jazzmaster Humbucker Cancelling pickup Pickup,Alinco 5
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Dual Rails, Jazzmaster Humbucker Cancelling pickup Pickup,Alinco 5
Dual Rails, Jazzmaster Humbucker Cancelling pickup Pickup,Alinco 5

Dual Rails, Jazzmaster Humbucker Cancelling pickup Pickup,Alinco 5


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Qty 997 in stock
Dual Rails, Jazzmaster Humbucker Cancelling pickup Neck or Bridge Pickup,Alinco 5
Please choose the pickup cover color on the above and also choose the position:Neck or Bridge.
Wire option:
---2 wires:it is metal shield wire.
This pickup will fit Fender USA 62' and 65' Jazzmaster guitars.
Neck Resistance:11K,Bridge Resistance:13K.
Include mounting screws